Today Friday March 27th we will be streaming live 5 pm the Stations of the Cross with Father Mario. Click Here
Hoy viernes 27 marzo estaremos trasmitiendo en vivo 7pm el Via Crucis. Abre aqui
Confession, Anointing, Indulgences During the Pandemic… Click Here Message from the Diocese Confesión, Unción, Indulgencias Durante la pandemia…… Haga clic aquí Mensaje de la diócesis
Please Refer to home page. Por favor vea la pagina principal.
To watch Bishop Vasa’s live stream of the Mass on Sunday March 22nd, click on the link below.. Click Here Para ver la transmisión en vivo de la misa del obispo Vasa el domingo 22 de marzo, haga clic en el siguiente enlace. Haga clic Aquí
This lockdown is a great oportunity to growth in our faith. Many movies, programs, audios, books and conferences in your tv or smartphones, just click here CONNECT WITH FORMED and live your faith at home. Esta es una gran oportunidad para crecer en nuestra fe. Peliculas, videos, programas, audios, libros, conferencias y hasta caricaturas directo…
Works of Mercy- March 21-22 Needs: sleeping bags, blankets, razors, shaving cream, can openers, rain gear, umbrellas, gloves, reading glasses, Shampoo, lotion, tooth brushes and tooth paste, diapers, baby wipes. Caridades Católicas necesita: Crema para afeitar, ropa de lluvia, paraguas, sombreros calientitos, rasuradores, shampoo, lociones, abrelatas, panales, desodorantes, cepillos dentales y pasta dental. Este próximo…
Conference on Prayer and the Catholic Tuesday, March 24th at 7:00pm, for the English speaking. It would be helpful for you to prepare by meditatively reading the following: “He was praying in a certain place…” Luke 11, 1-13 “So they took away the stone…” John 11, 41-42 “When Jesus saw…” John 19, 26-27 Mark your…
THE DIOCESE OF SANTA ROSA Joyfully announces the Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of The Reverend Mister John Michael Plass and The Reverend Mister Thomas Joseph Stuart To be conferred by His Excellency The Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa On Saturday, March 7, 2020 at 10:00 AMat The Cathedral of St. Eugene, Santa Rosa, California.…
The Office of the Bishop of Santa Rosa Diocese has sent a letter to all Parishes with mandatory and precautionary procedures. This letter is sent in light of the presence of the coronavirus in Solano County. It is prudent to implement more stringent policies in our Parishes regarding hygiene. Click on the link to read…