OUR PROTECTORToday’s readings invite us to recognize our need for one who ensures our safety, nourishes us, andleads us to peace and security, like sheep who rest in the care of a good shepherd. Such a shepherd will protect and save the sheep, even from the most deadly of predators. Today, we ponder the incredible…
EXEMPLAR OF THE FAITHPoor Thomas. Singled out from among the disciples because he refused to believe what theywere telling him—that they had seen, in the flesh, their friend and their Lord, Jesus Christ. Can any ofus really blame him? All of the disciples were terrified, crestfallen, hiding. But what of Thomas? Justwhere was he when…
REJOICE AND BE GLADIf Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year,” then Easter is the most joyous, glorious, awesome time of the year! Really? Today’s readings don’t exactly brim over with the kind of holiday cheer we find at Christmas—except for the responsorial psalm, which admittedly rings with gleeful joy. But otherwise, not…
LIFE FROM GODAs we approach Holy Week, our readings speak of a God who, in the midst of death, brings newlife to the people. In Ezekiel, we hear that God will open the graves of the people of Israel, who facednear extinction. In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives new life to Lazarus in a…
LIFE FROM GODAs we approach Holy Week, our readings speak of a God who, in the midst of death, brings newlife to the people. In Ezekiel, we hear that God will open the graves of the people of Israel, who facednear extinction. In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives new life to Lazarus in a…
SEEING THE LIGHTOur Lenten journey continues this Sunday as we hear of Jesus healing a blind man in theGospel of John. Jesus proclaims himself the light of the world, a light that overcomes darkness andenables a new capacity to see. The man, blind from birth, was able to begin his path to sight by firstacknowledging…
GOD EVER PURSUES USWe hear today of God’s unrelenting pursuit of us. Our readings tell stories of God’s intense desireto share the divine life with us. From Exodus, we see how God shows endless persistence and compassion, even to those who grumble against God, or seem to have forgotten God. From the Gospel of John,…
TURNING POINTSOur readings today describe turning points for those whom God has chosen. In Genesis, Godcalls Abram to leave his homeland, with the promise of forming a people in a new land. In the Gospel, thedisciples see Jesus literally in a new light, the bright light of Jesus’ transfiguration. They begin to see Jesus, and…
WHO WE ARE AND WHOSE WE AREThe Lenten season is a fresh invitation to explore again who God is, who we are, and what it means to behuman. We begin by hearing the tragic story of the first humans in the book of Genesis. As Paul describes in Romans, our struggles started when our ancestors…