LIFE FROM GODAs we approach Holy Week, our readings speak of a God who, in the midst of death, brings newlife to the people. In Ezekiel, we hear that God will open the graves of the people of Israel, who facednear extinction. In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives new life to Lazarus in a…
LIFE FROM GODAs we approach Holy Week, our readings speak of a God who, in the midst of death, brings newlife to the people. In Ezekiel, we hear that God will open the graves of the people of Israel, who facednear extinction. In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives new life to Lazarus in a…
SEEING THE LIGHTOur Lenten journey continues this Sunday as we hear of Jesus healing a blind man in theGospel of John. Jesus proclaims himself the light of the world, a light that overcomes darkness andenables a new capacity to see. The man, blind from birth, was able to begin his path to sight by firstacknowledging…
GOD EVER PURSUES USWe hear today of God’s unrelenting pursuit of us. Our readings tell stories of God’s intense desireto share the divine life with us. From Exodus, we see how God shows endless persistence and compassion, even to those who grumble against God, or seem to have forgotten God. From the Gospel of John,…
TURNING POINTSOur readings today describe turning points for those whom God has chosen. In Genesis, Godcalls Abram to leave his homeland, with the promise of forming a people in a new land. In the Gospel, thedisciples see Jesus literally in a new light, the bright light of Jesus’ transfiguration. They begin to see Jesus, and…
WHO WE ARE AND WHOSE WE AREThe Lenten season is a fresh invitation to explore again who God is, who we are, and what it means to behuman. We begin by hearing the tragic story of the first humans in the book of Genesis. As Paul describes in Romans, our struggles started when our ancestors…
THE GLORY OF THE DIVINE WAYToday’s readings draw us into ageless, vibrant depths. Followers of God’s law, we belong to ancient traditions. Children of God, we marvel at the freshness of creation. The Old Testament readings,from Sirach and the Psalms, celebrate the rich blessings we receive when we observe God’s commands—not because we are slaves…
THE GLORY OF THE DIVINE WAYToday’s readings draw us into ageless, vibrant depths. Followers of God’s law, we belong to ancient traditions. Children of God, we marvel at the freshness of creation. The Old Testament readings, from Sirach and the Psalms, celebrate the rich blessings we receive when we observe God’s commands—not because we are…
THE LIGHT OF SERVICEThe prophet Isaiah inspires us with these words: “Light shall rise for you in the darkness, and thegloom shall become for you like midday.” All of us celebrating the liturgy today praise God for these words of encouragement. Surely each of us knows the gloomy side of life, but today’s readings propose…