IV Sunday of Lent/ IV Domingo de Cuaresma 2022

LOST AND FOUNDThe parable of the father and his sons is one of the most familiar of all of Jesus’ stories. The father inthe parable is lavish in forgiveness and revels in the return of his young son, who was lost and now is found. The older son is also lost—lost in his refusal to…

III Sunday of Lent 2022

HOLY GROUNDMoses met God in a most astounding way in the bush that was burning but not consumed byfire. Moses clearly had a powerful encounter with the Lord. He even felt bold enough to ask God’sname, something unheard of among his people at the time—God’s name was unspeakable. Mosesstood on holy ground. Do we not…

II Sunday of Lent/ II Domingo de Cuaresma

Sunday’s Readings: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Phil 3:17—4:1/Lk 9:28b-36Lecturas del Dia A GLIMPSE OF GODHave you ever had a glimpse of God? Perhaps you perceived God’s presence in a quiet moment of prayer, a tender conversation with a loved one, or a difficult situation that was resolved unexpectedly. Peter, James, and John in today’s Gospel were given…

I Sunday of Lent/ I Domingo de Cuaresma 2022

IN THE DESERTJesus was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, and then the devil tested him. Moses and the Israelites had been in the desert for forty years before being led to the land of milk and honey. There were times when they called out to God, sure that, as Saint…

VIII Sunday Ordinary Time 2022

WE ARE KNOWN BY OUR FRUIT This week, Jesus tells us that we must ex- amine our own inner selves, our attitudes and dispositions, virtues and faults, rather than judging others. What is in our hearts comes out in what and how we speak. If our hearts are filled with kindness and compassion, those qualities…

VII Sunday Ordinary Time/ VII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

Sunday’s ReadingsLecturas del Dia LOVE AS GOD LOVESOur Gospel today continues Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain, in which we heard Luke’s version of theBeatitudes. This week, Jesus gives us new “commandments,” telling us how to live and act in theworld as his disciples, rooted in the radical love of God for humanity. It reminds us…

VI Sunday Ordinary Time 2022

FEELING BLESSEDCongratulations! Welcome to the Kingdom! Rejoice and leap for joy! Sounds a little like Easter,doesn’t it? Well, in a very real way, it is. This Sunday, the scriptures remind us that we are blessed and beloved, especially when we have difficulties and don’t feel especially blessed Jesus reminds us that God blesses us in…

V Sunday Ordinary Time/ V Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 2022

THEOPHANIESToday’s readings recount three theophanies, or particular manifestations of God’s presence. The prophet Isaiah is caught up in a dramatic scene of heavenly worship, with a royal throne, burning embers, and seraphim singing, “Holy, holy, holy.” Isaiah is overwhelmed. In the responsorial psalm, the assembly adds its own worship to that of the seraphim: “In…

IV Sunday Ordinary Time 2022

Sunday’s Readings: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Lk 4:21-30Lecturas del Dia TO BE A PROPHETToday’s readings show us what it is like to be a prophet. As Jeremiah recounts his call, God warns himthat he will need strength and perseverance to withstand the hostility he will face from “Judah’s kings and princes” and “its priests and people” (Jeremiah…

III Sunday Ordinary Time 2022

Sunday’s Readings: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/1 Cor 12:12-30/Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21Lecturas GOD’S LAWScripture has always held God’s law to be the path to human happiness. In today’s first reading, Ezra the priest reads the scroll of the law to the people returned from exile. They weep—then are joyful. Israel’s relationship with God had always been defined…