Sundays Readings: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:41-52Lecturas del Dia FAMILY LIFEChristmas celebrates the Incarnation, the “enflesh-ment” of God as a human person. In Jesus, God is bodily present in the human story. Today we honor the Holy Family, helping us to see that God is active in daily family life. God is near…
Sunday’s Readings: Zep 3:14-18a/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18Lecturas del Dia REJOICEThe prophetic writings we hear in today’s scriptures call us to rejoice and celebrate the goodness of God. Zephaniah, Isaiah, Saint Paul, and John the Baptist in Luke’s Gospel all follow the rich tradition of the Biblical prophets, a tradition that reaches full expression in Jesus. The…
Sunday’s Readings: Bar 5:1-9/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6Lecturas del Dia A DEEP CHANGE OF HEARTWhen John proclaimed a baptism of repentance, as today’s Gospel relates, he called people to a deep change of heart. For John the Baptist, repentance was not simply regret for past failings, but a commitment to orient life around God’s desires and…
Sunday’s Reading’s: Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12—4:2/Lk 21:25-28, 34-36Lecturas del Dia WATCHFUL CONFIDENCEWe the Church enter into Advent and the new liturgical year with a call for a watchful confidence. Our readings were originally addressed to communities undergoing great loss and confusion. Jeremiah speaks confidently of God fulfilling the ancient promises to Israel, even during a…
Sunday’s Readings: Dn 7:13-14/ Rv 1:5-8/ Jn 18:33b-37Lecturas del Dia CHRIST, THE KINGThe selection from the book of Daniel presented in today’s first reading was part of an attempt to weave a visionof ultimate success for the Jews under persecution. Exactly whom the author had in mind when he refers to “one like aSon of…
Sunday’s Readings: Dn 12:1-3/Heb 10:11-14, 18/Mk 13:24-32Lecturas del Dia GOD’S REIGNBy pointing to the end times, today’s readings speak to the coming reign of God, when God will make all things new. In Christ, this time has already begun. We, by our energized watchfulness, can further God’s reign. We can heal broken hearts, free captives,…
Sunday’s Readings: 1 Kgs 17:10-16/ Heb 9:24-28/ Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44Lecturas del Dia THE POORAs Christians, we hear a lot about the witness and service that we are called to render to the poor among us. However, the poor also have a witness and a service to render to us. Like the actions of the…
Sunday’s Readings:Lecturas del Dia LOVE GODAs we near the end of the liturgical year we listen to Gospel readings from the final stage of Jesus’ ministry—his teaching in Jerusalem. This Sunday Jesus is in conversation with one of the scribes of the temple. In a rare occurrence Jesus and the scribe agree on the two…
Sunday’s Readings: Jer 31:7-9/ Heb 5:1-6/ Mk 10:46-52Lecturas del Dia SIGHTLESS BARTIMAEUS’ VISIONAt first, Bartimaeus is not yet “on the way”— Mark’s “Gospel code” for Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and our journey of discipleship—but at least near the way, “by the roadside” (Mark 10:46). Still only on the sidelines, Bartimaeus cries out what becomes Christianity’s…
Sunday’s Readings: Is 53:10-11/ Heb 4:14-16/ Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45Lecturas del Dia THE HUMANITY OF JESUS CHRISTAll three readings today support—each in its own way, of course—a reflection on the humanity of Jesus Christ and how that humanity played a key role in the drama of our salvation. Although not chosen specifically to coordinate with…