4th Sunday of Advent / IV Domingo de Adviento

Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord                   On this the last Sunday before Christmas, our Gospel reading prepares us to witness Christ’s birth by showing us how Jesus was recognized as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah even before his birth. Our Gospel reading recalls Mary’s actions after the announcement of Jesus’ birth by the angel…

Gaudete Sunday / Domingo de Gaudete

The justice of God is the Joy of the Poor                On this Gaudete Sunday, this gospel invites us to reflect on something unique as the foundation of the source of our Joy: Sharing what we have as a source of God’s justice for the poor. Today, the third Sunday of Advent, let us remind…

2nd Sunday of Advent / II Domingo de Adviento

Prepare the Way for Justice                This week Gospel readings invite us to consider John the Baptist and his relationship to Jesus. John the Baptist appears in the tradition of the great prophets, preaching repentance and reform to the people of Israel. To affirm this, Luke quotes at length from the prophet Isaiah. John baptizes…

1st Sunday of Advent / I Domingo de Adviento

As we begin another liturgical year, our world cries out, begging for peace. On this first Sunday of Advent, God hears the sorrowful laments of many throughout the world, from Ukraine to Sudan to the Middle East. So many of us, myself included, want peace. During these terrible times, I am reminded of Pope Paul…

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / XXXIII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

During the month of November, the feasts of our Church remind us that this world is passing: We must remember where we are going and what we must do to get there.  Throughout this month, the readings have continued to emphasize these themes: that we will one day die, we will experience the judgment of…

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time / XXXII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

Today’s Gospel begins with a strong criticism of the ‘teachers of the Law’. His disapproval of their actions was harsh and biting. Saying “Beware of” or “Watch out for”  these men, and accusing them of “’devouring’ widows’ houses” was guaranteed to make enemies, particularly when Pharisees were almost certainly there listening to him. Jesus had a natural ability for…

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time / XXXI Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

The Love of the Kingdom                 Today’s readings invite us to reflect on love, loyalty, and faithfulness. These themes are evident in the commands given in Deuteronomy, the eternal priesthood of Jesus in Hebrews, and Jesus’ teaching on the greatest commandments in Mark. In Deuteronomy, Moses speaks to the people about loving God with all…

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time / XXX Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

Jesus Brings Healing and Restoration                 In our gospel today, Jesus brings healing and restoration to the blind man, Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus cries out for healing, for the pity and compassion of the Son of David. Jesus hears his cry, and through the voice of a messenger, tells Bartimaeus that Jesus is calling him to “Come…