XXIV Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sunday’s Readings: SIR 27:30- 28:7, ROM 14:7-9, MT 18:21-35 Lecturas del Dia FORGIVENESS Nearly ten years before, a son and father had parted ways when the business they shared went bankrupt. The son blamed the father. They did not speak to each other again. Then the father became seriously ill. The mother called the son…

XXIII Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sunday’s Readings: EZ 33:7-9, ROM 13:8-10, MT 18:15-20Lecturas del Dia A MESSAGE OF LOVE In the final verses of today’s Gospel reading Jesus says that when two or three are gathered in his name, “there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). So we understand that fraternal correction is always undertaken with Jesus…

XXII Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sunday’s Readings: JER 20:7-9, ROM 12:1-2, MT 16:21-27Lecturas del Dia THE CROSS OF JESUS The perception of a cross changed dramatically after Jesus’ crucifixion. Before that event, death on a cross was not only horrible, it was degrading. It was a penalty reserved only for the most wretched of criminals. The word “glory” would not…

XXI Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sundays Readings: IS 22:19-23, ROM 11:33-36, MT 16:13-20Lecturas del Dia TRUST Keys hold great significance for those who carry them. They represent the trust and authority of the owner when given to another person. We may give our house key to a trusted friend to take care of our matters while we are away. We…

XX Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sunday’s Readings: IS 56:1, 6-7, ROM 11:13-15, 29-32, MT 15:21-28Lecturas del Dia WHY PRAY? The “foreigners” as Isaiah calls them, the “Gentiles” as Paul calls them, or the “Canaanites” as Matthew calls them are called to worship the one true God in prayer. As we listen to to day’s readings, perhaps we are tempted to…

XIXSunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sundays Reading’s: 1 KGS 19:9A, 11 – 13A, ROM 9:1-5, MT 14:22-33 Lecturas del Dia THE PRESENCE OF GOD After the miracle of Jesus walking on water, the disciples exclaimed, “Truly, you are the Son of God” (Matthew 14:33). Most Christians will probably never experience such a dramatic miracle. Like Elijah, we await the manifestation…

XVIII Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sundays Readings: IS 55:1-3, ROM 8:35, 37-39, MT 14:13-21Lecturas del Dia OUR DEEPEST NEEDS The word of God serves up a tremendous feast for us today. Isaiah beckons all who hunger and thirst to come to the Lord for satisfaction. The psalmist cries out, “The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our…

XVII Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sundays Readings: 1 KGS 3:5, 7-12, PS 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129-130, ROM 8:28-30, MT 13:44-52 OR 13:44-46Lecturas Del Dia A SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM Today concludes a three-week series of Gospel texts in which we have listened to a total of seven parables about the Kingdom. The believer is asked to consider the request…

XVI Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sundays Readings: WIS 12:13, 16-19, ROM 8:26-27, MT 13:24-43 OR 13:24-30 Lecturas del Dia GOOD SEEDS Today Jesus continues to speak to his followers using parables. What a rich treasure we are given today in three parables about the kingdom of heaven! The kingdom is likened to a man sowing good seed in his field,…

XV Sunday Ordinary Time 2020

Sundays Readings: IS 55:10-11, ROM 8:18-23, MT 13:1-23 OR 13:1-9 Lecturas del Dia GOD’S WORDS Each day we are bombarded with thousands of words. From the moment our clock radios click on in the morning, until the last moment of the day when the television is turned off or someone bids us “goodnight,” our life…