In the gospels there are plenty of times when Jesus is with people eating and drinking and today’s gospel is no exception. As always, Jesus is concerned with people and their real needs. They are hungry, so he feeds them. He is gracious in his abundant giving. But he feeds them not only with food;…
The Trinity is not something that we can understand and figure out with our reasoning, intellect or with our brain. We most certainly won’t find the explanation to the Trinity by ‘googling’ it! The Trinity is a mystery that we are to experience with our hearts not with our heads. It is not a puzzle or a…
Come Holy Spirit Today, we celebrate the most glorious Solemnity of Pentecost, the promised Gift of the Father and the Son to Jesus’ disciples. After rising from the dead, Jesus appeared to His disciples for forty days. During those appearances, He offered them proof of His resurrection, continued to teach them, and reminded them…
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow As we mark and celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, the saying, ‘all good things come to an end’ never sounded more suitable and appropriate. In last Sunday’s gospel, Jesus told his followers that he would give them another Advocate to be with them forever, the Spirit of truth. Before Jesus…
Chosen by God In this weekend’s gospel, Jesus says “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain” (John 15:16). Jesus chose this unqualified group of people to lead his church. He knew their shortcomings and sins yet chose them.…
The True Vine If we admire nothing about Jesus except that he was a superb observer of people and nature and that he was an equally superb storyteller, we will have much to admire. Sheep, vines, wheat, corn, sowing, harvesting, salt, foxes, snakes, coins – you name it, and Jesus could brilliantly work it…
The Good Shepherd Today’s Gospel of that Good Shepherd reminds us of the four ways we live with these new spiritual genes. WE are those who hear and recognize his voice; He knows us; we have chosen to follow him. Hearing and following means being attentive to God’s word and teaching and responding in…
Jesus walks with us This Sunday we experience another appearance of the risen Lord to two of his friends and followers. These two disciples are walking to Emmaus. They are leaving Jerusalem and have their back to place where their dreams were shattered. This is an image and symbol of the Pilgrim Church which…
Jesus, I Trust in You! On April 30, 2000, Pope St. John Paul II designated the second Sunday after Easter to be a celebration of Divine Mercy. This is the day which the Church proclaims that Jesus, “the first and the last,” whom we put to death by our sins, comes through our locked doors…
Christ Indeed From Death is Risen Today, in the joy of Our Lord, Jesus Christ’s resurrection, we remember St. Mary of Magdala, who came “to the tomb early in the morning while it was still dark” to do the work of unfinished mourning. She honored and anointed the rejected, wounded, and crucified body of…