Posts by Barbara McIntyre (Page 2)

Faith at Home / Fe en Casa

This lockdown is a great oportunity to growth in our faith. Many movies, programs, audios, books and conferences in your tv or smartphones, just click here CONNECT WITH FORMED and live your faith at home.  Esta es una gran oportunidad para crecer en nuestra fe. Peliculas, videos, programas, audios, libros, conferencias y hasta caricaturas directo…

Catholic Charities Works of Mercy

Works of Mercy- March 21-22 Needs: sleeping bags, blankets, razors, shaving cream, can openers, rain gear, umbrellas, gloves, reading glasses, Shampoo, lotion, tooth brushes and tooth paste, diapers, baby wipes. Caridades Católicas necesita: Crema para afeitar, ropa de lluvia, paraguas, sombreros calientitos, rasuradores, shampoo, lociones, abrelatas, panales, desodorantes, cepillos dentales y pasta dental. Este próximo…

Let’s Prepare for Lent

This year, Ash Wednesday—which begins the penitential season of Lent with a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer—falls on February 26. Preparing for LentLent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Catholics replicate Jesus’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days.…