XIV Sunday in Ordinary Time — XIV Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

Jesus Prays in Thanks to God, Who Has Revealed Himself to the LowlyToday’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel comes after a discourse in which Jesus reproaches people who have witnessed his mighty deeds yet still lack belief. In this context, today’s Gospel explains the reason or this unbelief and reveals what is necessary for faith. Today’s…

XIII Sunday in Ordinary Time — XIII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario J 2023

Jesus Outlines the Costs and Rewards of DiscipleshipToday’s Gospel is the conclusion of the instructions and consolations that we have heard Jesus offering to his disciples during the past few weeks. In this passage, Jesus summarizes both the costs of discipleship and its rewards. Once again our understanding of the Gospel is strengthened by considering…

XII Sunday in Ordinary Time — XII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

God Cares About His PeopleWe read today’s Gospel in the context of last week’s Gospel in which Jesus sent the twelve disciples to proclaim the kingdom of heaven. In between last week’s reading and today’s reading Jesus has predicted that the disciples will face difficulties in their mission. Many people will not receive them well,…

XI Sunday in Ordinary Time — XI Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 2023

In today’s Gospel, Jesus shares his mission to proclaim the kingdom of heaven with his disciples. The signs of the kingdom’s presence consist of the work that Jesus has already been doing: the sick are cured, lepers are cleansed, demons are driven out, and the dead are raised to life. The disciples are sent to…

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 2023

The feast and its objectivesToday, we celebrate the solemn feast of Corpus Christi. It is three feasts in one: the feast of the Eucharistic sacrifice, the feast of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the feast of the Real Presence of Jesus in this Sacrament. Corpus Christi is a doctrinal feast established for three purposes:…

The Most Holy Trinity — La Santísima Trinidad 2023

The Mystery of the Holy TrinityToday’s feast invites us to live in the awareness of the presence of the Triune God within us: The Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit. The mystery of the Holy Trinity, a doctrine enunciated by the ecumenical councils of Nicaea and Constantinople, is one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity…

Pentecost Sunday — Domingo de Pentecostes 2023

Pentecost FeastAfter the Ascension of the Lord, the apostles were reunited with the Mother of Jesus. It was the dayof the feast of Pentecost. They were afraid to go out and preach. Suddenly, a strong wind was heard andsmall tongues of fire settled on each one of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit…

The Ascension of the Lord — La Ascension del Señor 2023

The Feast of Ascension of the LordForty days after Jesus’ Glorious Resurrection, Our Lord ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:6-11).The Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 665) says, “Christ’s Ascension marks the definitive entrance of Jesus’ humanity into God’s heavenly domain, whence he will come again (cf. Acts 1:11); this humanity in the meantime hides him…

VI Sunday of Easter — VI Domingo de Pascua

The Holy Spirit is Promised In today’s readings there is a constant allusion to the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus. He comes to tell them that the “passage from him to the Father” does not mean “empty” or “absence”. His presence among his own is assured even after his departure: “I will not leave you…

V Sunday of Easter — V Domingo de Pascua 2023

Jesus is the Way“Where are you going in life, or what are you living for?” It is the most important question we have to ask our people, the Church, each other, and ourselves. Many do not know what answer to give. Even we Christians sometimes feel lost. However, we should not feel that way, since…