Gaudete Sunday —Domingo de Gaudete 2022

Sunday’s Readings:
Lecturas del Dia

Put yourself in the scene of today’s Gospel passage. John the Baptist is in prison. He has heard stories of what Jesus is doing, and wants reassurance that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. John’s disciples and those who surrounded Jesus were faithful Jews who would have known Isaiah’s prophecies by heart. God would send One who would bring sight to the blind, healing to those who were ill, salvation to all who longed to know God’s mercy and peace. Jesus’ response to the disciples’ question rings as powerfully in our ears today as it surely did for the people who were with him that day. His actions are precisely those that the people had been told to expect. Jesus is the One for whom the people have been patiently yet anxiously waiting, like the farmer who waits for the fruits of his labor. Jesus is the One for whom our hearts long.

Ponte en la escena del pasaje del Evangelio de hoy. Juan el Bautista está en la cárcel. Ha
oído hablar de lo que hace Jesús y quiere asegurarse de que Jesús es el Mesías tan esperado.
Los discípulos de Juan y los que rodeaban a Jesús eran judíos fieles que conocían de memoria las
profecías de Isaías. Dios enviaría a uno que daría la vista a los ciegos, la curación a los enfermos y la salvación a todos los que anhelaban conocer la misericordia y la paz de Dios. La respuesta de Jesús a
la pregunta de los discípulos resuena hoy tan poderosamente en nuestros oídos como seguramente lo hizo para la gente que estaba con él aquel día. Sus acciones son precisamente las que la gente esperaba.
Jesús es Aquel a quien la gente ha estado esperando pacientemente y con ansiedad, como el agricultor que espera los frutos de su trabajo. Jesús es aquel a quien nuestros corazones anhelan.
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