Stay Awake and Be Ready
The readings this Sunday encourage us to be wise and to look for wisdom. In scripture, wisdom is
not intelligence or academic excellence, but an openness to listen to the word of God and to be ready to
participate in the life of God. In the first reading, from the book of Wisdom, wisdom itself, often characterized as the Spirit of God, goes out looking for those who search for her. Wisdom helps the person who receives it to encounter God and become familiar with his word and his will. In the
gospel parable, Jesus declares that they are wise those who ‘stay awake’ and are prepared to meet the bridegroom. The kingdom of God, living in God’s presence, can only be achieved if we are always
awake, waiting to welcome the bridegroom into our lives. If we go to sleep, then the bridegroom will come, and we are left out of the wedding feast. The wise person is prepared and alert, ready to see the
signs of God in this life, so that he or she can then be able to enjoy his presence in the fullness of the kingdom.