5th Sunday of Lent – 2020

Sundays Reading: EZ 37:12-14; PS 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; ROM 8:8-11; JN 11:1-45

Domingo Lecturas


On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, just before we begin to enter Holy Week, we are summoned to Bethany. If we had been friends of Mary, Lazarus, and Martha, and found out that Lazarus was gravely ill, we probably would have dropped everything to be with them. This was what was so surprising about the behavior of Jesus. Although he was their close friend, he chose to stay away, that God’s glory would be manifested. This is a persistent theme in John’s Gospel. Right to the very end, Jesus’ works were meant to give glory to the Father. As our Lenten journey reaches a crescendo, let us be mindful that, as people who have “put on Christ” in baptism, we are also called, by our attitudes and actions, to give glory to God.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


En el Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma, justo antes de entrar en la Semana Santa, somos llamados a Betania. Si hubiéramos sido amigos de María, Lázaro y Marta, y nos hubiéramos enterado que Lázaro estaba gravemente enfermo, probablemente lo habríamos dejado todo para estar con ellos. Eso es lo más sorprendente del comportamiento de Jesús. Pese a que era su amigo cercano, eligió mantenerse alejado, para que la gloria de Dios se manifestara. Este es un tema persistente en el Evangelio de Juan. Hasta el mismo final, las obras de Jesús son para dar gloria al Padre. A medida que nuestra jornada de Cuaresma llega a su apogeo, recordemos que, como personas que “se han revestido de Cristo” en el Bautismo, también somos llamados a dar gloria a Dios en nuestras actitudes y acciones.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.