The Suffering Servant In today’s readings we experience Jesus, as the suffering servant who brings God’s love to the human family. The most powerful reason for Jesus’ death is to fill the human spirit with God’s love. Out of death has come life, the wondrous paradox, which the world does not understand. Jesus not…
The New Covenant Jesus Has Made With Us. In today’s Gospel, Jesus announces that the “hour” has come. When he is lifted up from the earth, he will draw all to himself. Jesus has chosen to strip himself of his divinity and become human like us so that we would know the great love…
Jesus is the Light that Has Come Into the World The Gospel is so clear today that Jesus does not come to us to condemn us but to save us by his own life and love. This is no angry God nor a God who would ever break His covenants. The scandal is that…
Jesus’s Authority In today’s Gospel we read about how Jesus overturned the tables of the merchants and the moneychangers in the Temple at Jerusalem. In order to understand the relevance of Jesus’ action, we must learn more about the activities that were going on in the temple area. Worship at the Temple in Jerusalem…
The Transfiguration of the Lord Every year on the second Sunday of Lent, we are offered the subject of Jesus’ transfiguration. The scene is set in a secluded place, on a high mountain where Jesus led three of his disciples. The transfiguration was an extraordinary spiritual experience in which Jesus tried to convince that…
Our Lenten Journey Our gospel this Sunday sees Jesus being led into the desert. The gospel puts it rather more seriously than Jesus being led into the desert! It opens with the words; The Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness (desert) and remained with him for forty days. Why was Jesus led or driven in to the desert? It…
Jesus Became the Humble Servant In today’s readings from Leviticus and the gospel of Mark, we see stories of lepers. The Leviticus passage refers to lepers as “unclean” and the Mark passage talks about Jesus healing a leper. The passage shows that Jesus is compassionate: as people cry out to Jesus, he shows mercy,…
Jesus’ compassion Today’s Gospel completes a picture of Jesus’ ministry: preaching, curing the sick, driving out demons, and then moving on to continue this work in another place. Mark’s Gospel tells us that Jesus did this throughout Galilee. Jesus’ compassion and healing of the sick is a sign of the Kingdom of God. The…
Authority Figures Who do you consider authoritative? Pope Francis and other church leaders are probably on your list. When Jesus came “teaching with authority,” people wondered if they should add him to their list of authoritative figures. Four Galilean fishermen had already put Jesus right at the top, but other people, including those who also…
January 21, 2024 Jesus Calls the Fishermen to be His Disciples Today’s Gospel describes how Jesus called his first disciples and the immediacy with which these men dropped everything to follow him. We can only begin to imagine what Jesus’ presence must have been like to invoke such a response in these first disciples.…